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Doris Johnson is the Owner and Founder of Sensible Goods Inc., established in 1993.

She is a Licensed/Registered Occupational Therapist who specializes in Wellness, 

Stress Reduction, & Relaxation. 

She has worked and consulted with individual and corporate clients in a variety of settings, 

including hospitals, clinics, schools, wellness centers, public & private organizations,

 and businesses throughout the United States.  

Doris' extensive experience in THERAPY & WELLNESS, helped her recognize,

 the therapeutic benefits she found in everyday products in the Marketplace.

She realized that these products could be used as THERAPEUTIC TOOLS to provide, 

WELLNESS for everyone.

This WELLNESS DISCOVERY could offer benefits to people inside and outside of the therapy clinic. 

It was then that Doris fully understood that THERAPY was not limited to the Clinical Setting.

It could be used to offer THERAPEUTIC BENEFITS TO EVERYONE. 

And that her THERAPEUTIC INSIGHT, could be used to promote WELLNESS within 


This newfound knowledge led Doris to develop Sensible Goods, Inc.  

Sensible Goods, Inc. offers Therapeutically Designed Wellness Treatment Packages,

Classes & Training Sessions to both Private and Corporate Customers

Its' Mission is to offer the Benefits of THERAPY & WELLNESS to EVERYONE

as a LIFESTYLE for Everyday Living.

Sensible Goods, Inc., owns and operates the Total Relaxation Store in Washington, DC.

 Sensible Goods Inc., is a celebration of Doris' Passion for both THERAPY & WELLNESS


Contact Us

Sensible Goods, Inc.

Total Relaxation 

3124 12th Street, NE

Washington, DC 20017

(202) 832-6440

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